Does Equivalence mean the cloning of the Boards?

It is to be noted that equivalence is not to be confused with cloning. In the attempt to bring an equivalence in terms of the marking schemes across Boards, it is essential to see whether the student’s “achievement of Competencies” (NCF-SE) is measured by the assessments effectively across the different Boards. If such an equivalence is attained, then the total marks, regardless of their value, will become an efficient indicator of the Curricular Goals accomplished by the students.

Why is the Equivalence of Boards important?

For a country as diverse as India, Equivalence of Boards, will play a critical role. It will ensure that education received by every individual throughout the country is on an equal level, equivalent and comparable in nature. It will facilitate learners to continue their education in different Boards and ensure uniformity in their achievement levels across Boards. It will also lend authenticity and credibility to the certificates issued by the Boards in the eyes of the Higher Education Institutions.

Are there international standards for determining equivalence of boards?

While there are no universally accepted international standards for determining the equivalence of boards, there are efforts to promote transparency and comparability in education through initiatives such as the Bologna Process and international accreditation frameworks.

What factors are considered in determining equivalence?

Factors considered in determining equivalence include the content and structure of the curriculum, assessment methods, grading scales, academic rigour, accreditation status of the respective boards or systems, maintenance of essential infrastructure in the affiliated schools, and a fostering inclusive ethos in the school culture. Along the lines of these ideas, the equivalence of Boards is determined across five domains of school education, i.e., Administration, Curriculum, Assessments, Infrastructure, and Inclusiveness.

Will Equivalence mean that the results of all schools will be comparable?

Yes, Equivalence will mean that the results across all schools of the nation will be comparable. Additionally, since the process of attaining equivalence involves a stringent quality check of the educational boards, it will consecutively entail the reception of quality education to all students across the country.

What is the Holistic Progress Card (HPC)?

The Holistic Progress Card is a comprehensive assessment tool that goes beyond traditional academic grades to evaluate a student's overall development. It includes not only academic achievements but also factors like social skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, and extracurricular activities.

How is a HPC different from a traditional report card?

Unlike a traditional report card, which primarily focuses on academic grades in subjects like math, science, and language, a holistic progress card provides a more complete picture of a student's growth and development. It takes into account a wider range of skills and qualities that are essential for success in school and life.

How many HPCs are there in total?

Since the assessment needs and parameters differ by the stages of learning, 4 separate HPCs have been developed for the different stages of learning namely; HPC-Foundational Stage, HPC-Preparatory Stage, HPC-Middle Stage and HPC-Secondary Stage.

What is the ‘How-to’ document?

The ‘How-to’ document is a primer that introduces the reader to the different parts of the HPC. It gives the reader a walkthrough of different aspects of the HPC and how to use them.

How many ‘How-to’ documents are there?

There are 4 ‘How-to’ documents in total. One for each learning stage.

Why is the HPC important in education?

The HPC provides a more balanced and accurate assessment of a student's strengths, weaknesses, and overall progress. It helps educators, parents, and students themselves to identify areas for improvement and development beyond academic achievement alone. Additionally, it encourages a more well-rounded approach to education that values and nurtures a diverse range of skills and qualities essential for success in the 21st century.

What is the State Assessment Cell, and what is its primary purpose?

The State Assessment Cell is a specialized unit established at the State/UT level, responsible for assessing, monitoring, and improving the learning outcomes of students. Its primary purpose is to lead the development and implementation of large-scale assessments, aligning with national educational goals.

How does the Assessment Cell differ from other educational entities?

The Assessment Cell is distinct in its focus on designing and implementing assessments, collecting and analyzing data, and providing insights to enhance educational quality by conducting system health checkups from time to time, providing policy inputs in the form of data and meeting assessments needs specific to the State/UT, as and when the arise. It collaborates closely with the National Assessment Center-PARAKH and aligns with state-level objectives for educational excellence.

How will PARAKH support the setting-up/augmentation of the State assessment cells?

As the National Assessment Center, PARAKH will work closely with the States/UTs in the setting-up/augmentation of assessment cells by providing administrative and pedagogical support as and when required. It will also work in order to support capacity building within the existing assessment cells.

How will the parameters of support be identified?

In order to conduct a need-analysis, PARAKH has developed a detailed questionnaire pertaining to the different administrative and pedagogical requirements. The States/UTs will be asked to fill up the questionnaire and support will be offered on the basis of response received. Click Here

What is NAS?

NAS stands for National Achievement Survey. It is the largest, nationwide, sample-based education survey conducted across India.

Why is NAS conducted?

To provide structured feedback on student learning levels at District, State, and national levels. These inputs are used for policy planning and designing pedagogical interventions to improve quality and ensure equity in learning.

What is the date of NAS 2021?

12th November 2021

Is NAS an examination conducted by the school?

NAS is NOT a school-based examination. It is a system-level assessment conducted on a nationally representative sample that aims to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the school education system in our country

How does NAS provide system-level feedback?

By administering the standardized survey to students and collecting information on relevant background variables such as school environment, teaching processes, and student home and background factors.

Does NAS provide individual school or student performance scores?

NAS does not provide individual school or student scores. It provides a summary of performance at the District, State, and National levels, with the district as the unit for reporting

Can any school participate in NAS 2021?

No, Only the schools selected in the sample can participate.

Which are the Grades in which NAS will be conducted?

Grades 3, 5, 8 and 10

Which Ministry conducts the National Achievement Survey?

NAS is undertaken by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India

Which organization under MoE is conducting NAS 2021?

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

What is the State Educational Achievement Survey?

State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) is the largest, nationwide, sample-based education survey conducted across India at the block level.

Why is the State Educational Achievement Survey conducted?

To provide structured feedback on student learning levels at the block level. These inputs are used for policy planning and designing pedagogical interventions to improve quality and ensure equity in learning.

What is the date of the State Educational Achievement Survey 2023?

3rd November 2023

Is the State Educational Achievement Survey an examination conducted by the school?

State Educational Achievement Survey is NOT a school-based examination. It is a system-level assessment conducted on a nationally representative sample that aims to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the school education system in our country.

How does the State Educational Achievement Survey provide system- level feedback?

By administering a standardized survey to students and collecting information on relevant background variables such as school environment, teaching processes, and student home and background factors.

Does State Educational Achievement Survey provide individual school or student performances?

State Educational Achievement Survey does not provide individual school or student scores. It provides a summary of performance at the Block level.

Can any school participate in State Educational Achievement Survey 2023?

No, Only the schools selected in sample can participate.

Which are the grades in which State Educational Achievement Survey will be conducted?

Grades 3, 6 and 9

Which Ministry conducts State Educational Achievement Survey?

State Educational Achievement Survey is undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India

Which organization under MoE is conducting the State Educational Achievement Survey 2023?

PARAKH, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)